This blog post is going to be different, and I don't have anything worthy enough to share right now. So, all I am going to do is rant about people and how cruel they can be. People are full of lust, envy, psychotic behavior, and have horrible thoughts on culture, women, life, and fun. No amount of respect runs in their blood, and all they do is curse and curse and feel happy about it. They can't even take genuine compliments to their heart and instead get offended with small and pitiful things. Grow up, people, and learn to respect!
Now let's come to the gym freakiness and your dick size comparison and stupidity level. For the past month, all I have seen boys in the hostel do is brag about their gym training, how much weight they lift, and flex their muscles. Seriously dude, don't you have anything else to discuss? And talking about each other's dick size is gross. Enough of it!
Boys are bastards, and I have said it earlier, and I'll say it again. Have the courtesy to respect women and please, for God's sake, do not objectify them. I am sick of hearing it again and again as if they are trophies to win.
And then you get offended when I say your upbringing hasn't been done right or your mom and dad haven't given you morals. If I am friendly to you, that doesn't give you the bloody right to be physical with me and touch me anywhere on my body. It feels bad and violated. Learn about good touch and bad touch, you stupids!
Let me clear one thing: I am heterosexual, period. I don't get people's mentality with being homophobic and against the LGBTQ community and transgender. If you don't like it, just be silent about it. It's none of your business to intervene and have bad talks about or warn, humiliate them. Just be with it. Chill!
And for God's sake, stop watching vulgar, BDSM porn, and extreme levels of violence. If you are aroused by that level of shit, there is something wrong with you, and please get your brain checked.
PS: Everything's good. You need not worry.
This is just a review of people being around me for the past month and how cruel the world can be to you!
Love ya!